Saturday, September 18, 2010

Around Here...

...we've been adjusting to life as a family of five. I have to say the transition has been a whole lot easier than I had anticipated. Sweet Lynlee is such a good and easy baby. The only time I hear her cry is when she is hungry and even then, she gives us a good 5 minute warning with a lot of stirring and sucking on her hand. She loves to be cuddled and is a trooper with all the "help" from big brother and sister. When she is awake she is so peaceful with her blue eyes looking around and every now and then, I think she even gives us a smile. But I LOVE watching her sleep, she is such an angel and we are so glad God gave her to us!



As for the rest of the goes on. There has been no rest for the weary and whoever came up with the 6 weeks of resting and relaxing did NOT have other children. :) Landon has school every day and football three days a week, one of which is a game. So he is busy busy busy.


And I have never known Lucy not to be busy. She loves her little sister, but thankfully the newness has worn off a little. She is not quite as obsessed as she was the first few days. She started PDO a few weeks ago and that has helped me tremendously. And the fact that she loves it, makes it all the more better! She keeps us on our toes and thoroughly entertained all the time!




With all the hussle and bussle and my strict orders not to drive, I have needed a little help. My mom was here while I was in the hospital and for the first few days I was home from the hospital. I am not sure what I would have done without her help...especially with Lucy. She sure loves her Mimi!


My mom had to go out of town this week so Ashley's grandmother, Carolyn, came to take over. I am trying to take it as easy I can for 2 weeks, but that is so much easier said than done. With kids needing to get to and from all over town and a newborn to keep fed and clean, I am so grateful for her help. She stayed home with Lynlee while I was chauffering my kids all around, which again was a HUGE help not to have to lug that sweet girl in the heat all over Birmingham. Not driving for 2 weeks was just not going to work around here. The minute she got here, she took Landon to buy a game. The DSi gets on my very last nerve and usually Landon is only allowed to play it in the car, simply because he cannot function in any other way while playing. But since, Grammy gave it to him we made an exception on the rules, but we inisted he had to at least be outside while he played. It didn't make a bit of difference...he could not hear, talk, or socialize in any way while playing.


Thats alright though. Grammy and Landnon were roommates this week and did their socializing at night.


Carolyn is obsessed with laundry (I am NOT) so she has kept a steady pace with our laundry. She left this morning, but I can tell you that every piece of laundry in this house is clean, ironed, and hung! We always enjoy our visits with her and was sad to see her leave this morning. But not before a good game of UNO.


This has become her little tradition with Landon. And this morning, the whole family got in on the action!


Lynlee is Carolyn's fifth great grandchild and it was love at first sight!


Grammy with 2 of her great grandbabies...


Three generations...


Now off to put my feet up and watch a little football with Ash and Landon. Alabama just kicked off and Tennessee is playing Florida later tonite! As weird as it sounds, Roll Tide and Go Vols!


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